In Mexico, sugarcane production and processing is comprised of a complex web of actors. Alongside sugar refineries, mills and farmers, the supply chain is made up of less visible actors, such as cabos or crew leaders and field leaders, who largely operate informally. The least visible and most vulnerable actors in the sugar cane supply chain are the sugarcane cutters, who are exposed to many labor risks, including severe risks to their health and safety.
La tierra sigue siendo un lugar muy injusto para muchos. No es ninguna novedad que hay millones de personas viviendo en condiciones vulnerables, sin posibilidad de cubrir sus necesidades básicas o lograr su pleno desarrollo. Las brechas de desigualdad se han vuelto cada vez más difíciles de cerrar, pero un mundo así no debe ni puede continuar. Todas las personas merecen una oportunidad y, para ello, se necesita una transformación humana que mejore las condiciones de vida.
World Vision and Its Role in Improving Workers’ Lives:
Our planet is still a very unfair place for many. It is no news that there are millions of people living in vulnerable conditions, unable to meet their basic needs or achieve their full development. Inequality gaps have become difficult to close, but such a world should not and cannot continue. Everyone deserves a chance, and this requires a human transformation to improve living conditions.
Lograr el cumplimiento de los derechos humanos en los ambientes laborales sigue siendo un reto en muchas industrias del mundo. Pese a que se ha establecido el derecho a tener un trabajo que provea de una remuneración justa y que permita una vida digna para los trabajadores y sus familias, hoy todavía no podemos decir que este derecho está garantizado.
Achieving compliance with human rights in the workplace remains a challenge in many industries around the world. Although the right to have a job that provides fair remuneration and that allows a decent life for workers and their families has been established, today we still cannot say that this right is guaranteed.