
Verité brings over 25 years of experience to bear in helping companies translate findings into tangible, durable solutions.

Our worker-centric approach shines a light into even the most complex supply chains, resulting in more sustainable business practices and measurable improvements in workers’ lives.

Identifying the abuse of workers and improving their conditions requires a deep and nuanced understanding of supply chains, as well as diligence in recognizing the root causes of chronic problems. 

Verité is committed to a diverse workforce and is an Equal Opportunity Employer that does not discriminate against any employee, intern, or applicant for employment or internship on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, class, religion, veteran status, ability, and any other federal, state, or locally protected classes.

Contact us at to discuss how we can support your organization.

Sector Expertise

Agriculture Apparel
Construction Electronics
Extractives Financial Services
Food & Beverage Footwear
Hard Goods Healthcare
Hospitality Pharmaceutical





We conduct comprehensive audits, investigations, and screenings to provide insight into working conditions in global supply chains. Learn more



We guide companies in strengthening internal and supply chain management systems that proactively control risks to the business and its employees. Learn more

CUMULUS Forced Labor Screen™

Through a secure online platform, member companies map their labor supply chains and assess forced labor and human trafficking risks. Learn more



We undertake independent, original research on key issues and challenges in responsible sourcing. Learn more



We design and deliver training programs that improve workers’ lives by raising awareness and building capacity for brands, suppliers, NGOs, industry coalitions, governments, and workers. Learn more