Dear Sustainability Director

Dear Sustainability Director

Andrea Galvez, Verité’s First Mile Due Diligence Lead on why brands need to take supplier engagement seriously.
In today’s rapidly evolving global business landscape, due diligence is no longer just a buzzword it’s a critical component of sustainable and ethical business practices. As directors of Sustainability, CSR, or Supply Chain Management for multinational brands, you’re likely grappling with a significant shift: the transition from voluntary to mandatory due diligence.

New Private Security Industry Tools at

New Private Security Industry Tools at

The private security sector is one of the fastest growing in the world, as security guards are increasingly hired to guard factories, office buildings, extractive worksites, residential facilities, transport hubs, and hotels, in addition to military and other government facilities. Migrant workers are often hired for these positions and, as such, a risk of human trafficking exists.