Our Work
For 25 years, we have aligned business and social impact to address labor rights violations in global supply chains, including child labor, forced labor, and gender discrimination.
Across sectors, industries and countries, we develop tools, implement programs, and conduct research to take aim at serious labor issues.
Our Assessments offer clarity and resolution to abuses in labor supply chains.
Our Research provides the information necessary to understand complex labor problems and advocate for reform.
Our Training instills practical skills and knowledge to build controls into everyday business practices.
Our Free Online Resources include data and tools to educate and support change.
We regularly work with governments to develop policy, companies to launch compliance initiatives, and engage stakeholders to support meaningful change.
Verité is committed to a diverse workforce and is an Equal Opportunity Employer that does not discriminate against any employee, intern, or applicant for employment or internship on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, class, religion, veteran status, ability, and any other federal, state, or locally protected classes.
The Farm Labor Due Diligence Initiative
The Supply Chain Tracing and Engagement Methodologies (STREAM) Project
STREAMS aims to help authorities leverage innovative approaches to increase the downstream and upstream tracing of goods made by child and forced labor. See project
Responsible Sourcing Tool
A website with tools and resources to help companies and federal contractors understand and prevent risks of human trafficking in supply chains. Visit website.
Toolkit for Palm Oil Producers on Labor Rights
Developed to help equip palm oil producers with the basic knowledge and tools for building a social compliance program. See the toolkit
Verité Reports on Forestry
Reports exploring intersections of trafficking in persons vulnerability and environmental degradation in forestry and adjacent sectors. See reports
Recruitment Cost Calculator
Verité’s Recruitment Cost Calculator (RCC) provides accurate and up-to-date information on recruitment fees and related costs, enabling employers to enact ethical recruitment policies more effectively in their supply chains.
Forced Labor in the Production of Electronic Goods In Malaysia
Desk and field research, including findings from interviews with 501 electronics workers. See report
Responding to Child Labor and Forced Labor in U.S. Manufacturing
Fostering Fee Accountability and Cost Tracking
The Fostering Fee Accountability and Cost Tracing (FFACT) Project seeks to promote data-driven, worker-centered, cross-sectoral interventions to address debt-related exploitation of migrant workers. (See Project)
The Cooperation On Fair, Free, Equitable Employment (COFFEE) Project
Our toolkit includes training modules, RE-ACT dashboard, and guidance to prevent labor risks in coffee supply chains. See project
Assessment of Forced Labor Risk in the Cocoa Sector of Côte d’Ivoire
A study on forced labor risk in in the cocoa sector in Côte d’Ivoire. See report
Our Work in Ethical Recruitment
Verité performs research and develops tools, guidance and approaches to support responsible recruitment and hiring. Learn more
Forced Labor Indicators Project (FLIP) Online Learning Resource
Interactive courses cover legal frameworks for forced labor and the ILO Forced Labour Indicators. Visit the FLIP resources
The Senderos Project
The Senderos project aims to support the agricultural workers and the public and private sectors to improve adherence to international standards on labor rights in the sugar cane and tobacco sector. See project
CUMULUS Forced Labor Screen™
A technology-driven approach to identifying forced labor and human trafficking risk in global supply chains. See demo
Desk- and field-based assessments offer insight into working conditions in supply chains. Clients include Apple and Patagonia, among many others. See the case studies
Our Work in Seafood
Verité’s work to promote ethical labor practice in the seafood sector through advocacy and research. See our work in seafood
Trafficking Risk in Sub-Saharan Africa
Website offers insight into the trafficking risks in the region by commodity and country. Visit website
Advancing Worker Participation
The Advancing Worker Participation project strengthens workplace management systems to facilitate worker engagement on mutual concerns and empowers workers to advocate for their rights and interests.